Good nutrition – the way to health

Hypertension is a human disease in which the blood pressure increases, affecting the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to all organs and tissues of the human body.

Therefore, it is so important to keep blood pressure under control, and diet is an excellent assistant in this.

Especially for patients with hypertension, doctors have developed the DASH diet, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

It is necessary to consume more fish, chicken with white meat and less red meat. Dairy products are obligatory – yogurt, kefir, milk, low-fat varieties of cheese, cottage cheese. Limit the consumption of fatty foods and sweets.

This diet is recommended as an ideal eating plan for everyone. It significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney disease. In addition to the complete elimination of salt intake, the DASH diet involves the complete avoidance of alcohol, including red wine, which contributes to the development of hypertension.

The diet assumes 6 meals a day.